Monday, March 10, 2025
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Regulador bancario de la UE dice que no consigue personal para supervisar la industria cripto

El presidente de la Autoridad Bancaria Europea, José Manuel Campa, dijo que la agencia no tiene todavía la capacidad para supervisar activos digitales. La preocupación principal es contratar y retener personal especializado porque existe una alta demanda para el talento cripto, el funcionario dijo al FT en una entrevista publicada

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Leaked Personal Data of 1 Billion Chinese Citizens on Sale for 10 Bitcoins — Hacker Claims Stolen From Shanghai Police – Security Bitcoin News

A hacker claims to have stolen the personal data of a billion Chinese citizens from the Shanghai National Police (SHGA) and is selling it for 10 bitcoins. “This database contains many TB of data and information on billions of Chinese citizens.” 23 Terabytes of Data on a Billion Chinese Citizens on

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ICO and Personal Information Protection Commission, South Korea, sign Memorandum of Understanding

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and the South Korean Personal Information Protection Commission (PIPC) have a strong relationship which recognises their shared common mission to uphold people’s information rights, while supporting digital innovation and economic development. In recognition of

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El exchange Gemini despide al 10% de su personal citando el “turbulento” mercado cripto

La industria cripto se encuentra actualmente en una "fase de contracción que se está asentando en un período de estancamiento", también conocido como "criptoinvierno", según los comentarios de la empresa. "Todo esto se ha visto agravado por la actual agitación macroeconómica y geopolítica. No estamos solos", añadieron los gemelos. Original Source

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Information Commissioner calls for an end to the excessive collection of personal information from victims of rape and serious sexual assault

“Victims are being treated as suspects. Change is required.” The UK Information Commissioner has called on the criminal justice sector to immediately stop collecting excessive amounts of personal information from victims of rape and serious sexual assault cases. The call

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Talao, the new Self-Sovereign Identity Wallet, Gives Consumers Control over Their Personal Digital Data – Blockchain News, Opinion, TV and Jobs

Identity theft could soon be something of the past, as we are now entering into a new era of innovation. An era in which individuals retain control and sovereignty of their own data, not companies or institutions. Blockchain-based Digital Identity specialist Talao, a Paris-based startup which specializes in Self-Sovereign Identity solutions

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