Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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TrueUSD (TUSD) Remains Unaffected by Prime Trust Suspension of Deposits and Withdrawals

The TUSD stablecoins issuer confirmed to the users that it had no exposure to Prime Trust and that all funds are safe. After the acquisition failure of Prime Trust, a fintech and digital assets infrastructure provider, by BitGo earlier this month, the troubles facing the Nevada-based firm resulted in the closure

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Ethereum Remains Unaffected by AWS Outage that Affects Burger King, McDonald’s, and Taco Bell

An AWS outage shut down several apps and disrupted services, but did not disturb Ethereum despite hosting more than 64% of nodes. Although Amazon Web Services (AWS) had a minor outage on Tuesday, where it was temporarily unavailable, Ethereum remained unaffected. The temporary downtime did not affect Ethereum’s network nodes, which

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Bitcoin touches $29K! Why BTC is unaffected by regulatory pressure

In this week’s episode of Market Talks, Cointelegraph welcomes Brent Xu, founder and CEO of Umee — a decentralized finance hub built on the Cosmos SDK that offers tools for macro-level borrowing and lending applications. Before founding Umee, Xu led strategy at Tendermint while setting the strategic roadmap and partnerships for the

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Mt. Gox creditors fail to set repayment date, but markets to remain unaffected

Eight years ago, in 2014, the crypto world was rocked by the crippling hack of Mt. Gox, a popular Bitcoin (BTC) exchange, which was forced to shut down after miscreants were able to make away with approximately 850,000 BTC, worth more than $16 billion at today’s exchange rates. At the time

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Bitcoin Unaffected by Bank of England’s Super-Size Interest-Rate Hike

The bitcoin mining difficulty ribbon, comprising short- and long-duration simple moving averages on the mining difficulty, has compressed for the first time in over a year, indicating miner capitulation. The previous bear markets, including the one seen in 2014, ended with the ribbon compression, data provided by analytics firm Glassnode

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BTC’s Lower Price Shrinks Bitcoin Mining Profits, Hashrate Remains Unaffected – Mining Bitcoin News

While bitcoin’s fiat value has dropped more than 70% below the all-time high recorded in November 2021, the price reduction has made it so miners are making fewer profits depending on the devices they operate. Despite miner profits sliding, Bitcoin’s hashrate has remained high coasting along at 180 exahash per

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Bitcoin Price Unaffected as Scammers Hack Twitter Accounts

Regardless of the recent Bitcoin scam carried out through a Twitter hack, BTC price remained largely unaffected, only dropping about 1%.Yesterday, 15th July, Twitter accounts of high-profile individuals, companies and crypto exchanges were hacked to post false bitcoin giveaways. The compromised Twitter accounts include prominent names like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates,

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