Sunday, March 2, 2025
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Hillary Clinton Warns of ‘Worldwide Financial Meltdown’ and Dollar Losing Reserve Currency Status if US Defaults on Its Debt – Economics Bitcoin News

Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has warned that the U.S. defaulting on its debt obligations could lead to a global financial meltdown. “If Congress keeps flirting with default, calls for dethroning the dollar as the world’s reserve currency will grow much louder,” she stressed. Hillary Clinton on U.S. Debt

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Hillary Clinton Urges Biden Administration to Pressure Crypto Exchanges to Block Russian Users – Regulation Bitcoin News

Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has criticized the Biden administration and European governments for not pressuring cryptocurrency exchanges to end transactions with Russian users. She believes regulators “should look hard at how they can prevent the crypto markets from giving an escape hatch to Russia, both governmental and private transactions

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Why Hillary Clinton Warns Biden Administration To Regulate Crypto Market

During an MSNBC interview, Hillary Clinton continued to suggest hypothetical scenarios in which cryptocurrencies could destabilize the United States and called on the Biden administration to regulate them as she fears that state and nonstate actors manipulate the role of the U.S. dollar. Related Reading | Inverse Signals: Why Bitcoin Weakness Is

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Hillary Clinton Warns Cryptocurrency Could Destabilize Nations, Undermine Dollar as World’s Reserve Currency – News Bitcoin News

Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has urged nation-states to “start paying greater attention to the rise of cryptocurrency.” She warned that crypto could undermine the role of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and could destabilize nations. Hillary Clinton Warns Cryptocurrency Poses Risk to US Dollar and Nations’ Stability Former Democratic

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Las criptomonedas podrían desestabilizar países y debilitar al dólar como reserva de valor, según Hillary Clinton

La ex secretaria de Estado de los Estados Unidos y candidata presidencial demócrata, Hillary Clinton, arremetió el viernes contra las criptomonedas e hizo un llamamiento a los estados para que vigilen su crecimiento.“Un área más a la que espero que los Estados nación empiecen a prestar más atención es el

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Crypto Could Destabilize Nations, Undermine Dollar’s Reserve Currency Status, Hillary Clinton Says

Clinton’s comments come in the wake of controversial crypto tax reporting requirement that was part of the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill signed into law by U.S. President Joe Biden on Monday. Per the bill, from 2023, brokers will need to disclose customers’ names, addresses, phone numbers, capital gains, and

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Survey: More Crypto Owners Voted for Hillary Clinton than for Donald Trump

In a recent survey conducted by Clovr, more digital currency owners state that they voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential elections than for Donald Trump.In general, 46.62% of the survey participants voted for Hillary Clinton in the elections. This percentage is not very distant from the actual percentage

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