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A Product Development Team Just Made ETH Block Production Twice As Fast

Blockchain advisory and product development firm Akomba Labs conducted a test on the Ethereum network that shows it can make block propagation at least twice as fast.Coindesk reported on Nov. 27 that Akomba Labs — in collaboration with the scalability-focused blockchain startup BloXroute — ran a two-week test measuring

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ECB Digital Euro in Development & Trump Talks Negative Rates With FED

The European Central Bank under the new leadership of Legarde, has confirmed work on the digital Euro is underway with ‘several options’ being considered. This news comes as numerous countries also announced their intention to move from fiat to digital currencies moving towards a cashless society everywhere. My message is that while

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Turkey to Complete Development of National Digital Currency by 2020

Turkey’s state-sponsored outlet Resmi Gazete, which regularly announces details of new legislation and publishes official announcements of the Turkish government, released a document detailing the progress of the digital Lira.The document was published early this week and affirms that the initial trials of the new digital currency would be conducted

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Microsoft’s ‘Azure Blockchain Tokens’: Digital Currency Development Platform

At an annual conference in Orlando, Microsoft announced that it would be launching a platform that would effectively enable enterprises to create their own digital tokens for use. The platform is called Azure Blockchain Tokens and is available for preview.Microsoft has been one of the few giant companies to adopt

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China Calls for Steady Development of Blockchain and Avoidance of ‘Aircoins’

The Communist Party of China’s certified media outlet, The People’s Daily, released a featured article on blockchain and its future in China on October 4th. The piece was titled ‘Blockchain, a breaking point for China to overtake.’ Dovey Wan, an investor, adviser and crypto analyst shared screenshots of the piece

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Inter-American Development Bank to Test Blockchain for Land Registries in South America

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is set to partner with ChromaWay, the creator of the blockchain system Chromia, to test a blockchain solution for land registries for Latin American countries.ChromaWay will work with the Bolivian IT services company Jalasoft to pilot the technology in Bolivia, Peru and Paraguay, with the

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Major Latin American Development Bank Pilots Blockchain for Land Registry

The Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) is implementing three different blockchain pilot projects to test if blockchain technology is able to solve some of the problems of land titling and registries.On Oct. 28, blockchain startup ChromaWay reported that it is collaborating with IADB on a two-year project in Bolivia, Peru

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