Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Celo Developer Proposes Mid-January Timeline for Evaluating Closely Watched Layer-2 Move

"Note that we are selecting codebases and sub-components here, so we feel it is less useful to directly compare metrics like TVL, transaction count, users, except as indicators of what a closer collaboration and/or shared bridge between the two ecosystems could look like in future," cLabs wrote. "This exercise is

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Bitcoin inscriptions wallet UniSat unveils cutting-edge developer services

UniSat Wallet introduces comprehensive developer services for creating trading bots, Ordinals, brc-20 explorers, and apps with integrated blockchain features. UniSat Wallet, a Bitcoin inscription wallet, has recently unveiled its new developer-focused services, branded as UniSat Developer Service. This innovative platform is set to revolutionize the development landscape in the cryptocurrency domain

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Blockchain Developer Lattice Unveils ‘Alternative Data Availability’ Network for Optimism

"We call it alternative data availability, because the transaction data is available off-chain, not on Ethereum. To maintain security with this architecture, that’s why we have the permissionless on-chain DA challenge so that when the data is not available or doesn’t correspond to the data commitment, one can challenge it

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Privacy Infrastructure Developer Nym Technologies Attracts $300M in Crypto Fund Commits

The program will open for applications in November, and the initial focus for applications will be crypto wallets, remote procedure calls (RPCs) and essential resources, tools, infrastructure and initiatives that benefit the broader ecosystem and are available to the public as open-source projects. Developers from any category, such as gaming,

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Bitcoin core developer steps back from Lightning Network over “hard dilemma”

Security researcher and developer Antoine Riard is stepping down from the Lightning Network’s development, citing security issues and fundamental challenges to the Bitcoin ecosystem. According to a thread on the Linux Foundation’s public mailing list, Riard believes the Bitcoin community faces a "hard dilemma" as a new class of replacement cycling

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Settlements giant DTTC acquires blockchain infrastructure developer Securrency

The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTTC) has signed an agreement to acquire Securrency, a digital asset infrastructure developer. The acquisition will allow DTCC to embed digital assets gradually in its existing products and services, it said. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. It is expected to close “within

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