Friday, July 26, 2024
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Singapore mulls new crypto rules, wants to ban retail traders from incentives and credit cards

The Monetary Authority of Singapore is seeking new limitations to harden crypto speculation. Singapore’s financial watchdog, the Monetary Authority of Singapore, is set to impose new rules on retail crypto investors in a bid to safeguard customers from highly speculative assets. In a statement published on Thursday, Nov. 23, MAS proposed new

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Marinade and Orca Finance ban UK user access amid FCA regulatory concerns

Solana DeFi platforms Marinade Finance and Orca Finance restrict access for UK users due to FCA regulatory guidelines. Marinade Finance and Orca Finance, leading platforms in Solana’s decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem, have implemented geo-restrictions for users in the United Kingdom, citing the need for regulatory compliance. According to the site, the restrictions

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Pennsylvania Democrat Greg Vitali Scraps Proposed Crypto Mining Ban to Advance Energy Conservation Bill

"The crypto mining industry is a massive energy user," Vitali said at the time. "Globally, crypto mining consumes more energy than the countries of Argentina and Australia. This high level of energy usage places more stress on the environment and accelerates the climate crisis, in addition to raising costs for

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US senators draft NO FAKES bill to ban unauthorized AI copycats

Unauthorized artificial intelligence-powered recreations of people’s voices and images would be banned under a proposed bill by a bipartisan group of United States senators.In an Oct. 11 press release, Democratic Senators Chris Coons and Amy Klobuchar, along with Republican Senators Marsha Blackburn and Thom Tillis, released a discussion draft of

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India working on 5-point crypto legislation as ban is ruled out

India is working on a crypto regulatory framework based on the joint recommendations of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Financial Stability Board (FSB) that could result in legal legislation in the next 5-6 months. Siddharth Sogani, the CEO of CREBACO that has worked with government agencies and ministries,

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Taiwan to Ban All Offshore Exchanges on Failure of Compliance

The Taiwanese government is planning to release guiding principles by the month end, in order to boost information disclosure for crypto exchanges. Taiwan is preparing to introduce some sweeping regulatory changes while restricting offshore exchanges from operating in the country without any proper compliance in place. The Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC)

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