Saturday, March 29, 2025
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Bitcoin pioneer Hal Finney talks zk proofs in 25-year-old unearthed footage

Early Bitcoin (BTC) pioneer Hal Finney shared his vision for zero-knowledge proofs more than 25 years ago, a full decade before the launch of the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. The video, purportedly from the Crypto ‘98 conference held on Aug. 26, 1998, in Santa Barbara, shows Finney discussing in detail, the concept of

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Spanish central bank official talks about private payment services in era of digital euro

Deputy Governor of the Bank of Spain Margarita Delgado spoke to university students and others about the introduction of the digital euro in Pamplona on Aug. 25. Looking into a future through the lens of the European Commission’s recently proposed digital euro legislative plan, she spoke at length about how

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BlackRock (BLK) CEO Larry Fink Talks Up Bitcoin (BTC) Demand From Gold Investors

Appearing on CNBC following his company's second-quarter earnings report, the CEO of $8.5 trillion asset manager BlackRock (BLK) said "more and more" gold investors have been asking about the role of crypto over the last five years, highlighting the role exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have had in democratizing access to gold,

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Orange to Transfer Bank Operations to BNP Paribas as Both Giants Begin Exclusive Acquisition Talks

After sustaining more than 1 billion euros in losses, Orange has decided to exit retail banking and has begun negotiations with BNP Paribas. French telecommunications giant Orange is looking to get out of the banking sector by selling Orange Bank to BNP Paribas. Orange has now begun exclusive negotiations with BNP

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