Sunday, July 7, 2024
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Bitcoin Escrow Chief Pleads Guilty to Crypto Fraud, Also Ordered to Repay $7.4M

The head of bitcoin escrow company Volantis pleaded guilty in New York on Thursday to bilking an investor of over $3 million. He also settled parallel commodities fraud charges.Jon Barry Thompson, 49, admitted in Manhattan federal district court that his crypto companies – Volantis Market Making LCC and Volantis Escrow

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Craig Wright Ordered to pay $5 Billion in Bitcoin and Fifty-Percent of his Intellectual Property to Kleinman Estate

The court drama has finally come to an end with Magistrate Bruce Reinhart recommending that Wright must pay 5 billion dollars to Kleiman’s estate as well as give up half of his intellectual property held before December 31, 2013. Details of the case have not been published for the public

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