Monday, July 1, 2024
Home > Meltdown (Page 4) (FET) ignores the Bitcoin-led market meltdown by notching a 60% gain

The real-world adoption of blockchain technology is a slowly developing process that requires the right use cases and a willing public who are open to new experiences to be obtained when one ventures outside of their comfort zone. An increasing number of real-world applications appear to be the motivating factor behind

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First Mover: Amid Economic Meltdown, Bitcoin Is Winning as ‘No Value’ Buffett Eats Crow

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett says he's having a hard time finding attractive investments as the coronavirus ravages the global economy.Maybe he should take advice from professional crypto investors like Pantera Capital's Dan Morehead – and reconsider bitcoin.You're reading First Mover, CryptoX's daily markets newsletter. Assembled by the CryptoX Markets Team, First

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Erik Voorhees: Within Five Years There Will Be a Major Financial Meltdown and Crypto Will Be Ready

I first met Erik Voorhees in Amsterdam, back in the summer of 2018, while covering a fintech conference called Money20/20. The conference was a circus. (Literally a circus, complete with trapezes artists, mimes, and a unicyclist.) The panels focused on stuff like artificial intelligence, biometrics at the cash register, and

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Repo Market Meltdown Shows Bitcoin’s ‘Systemic’ Stability: Caitlin Long

Wyoming Blockchain Coalition president Caitlin Long has responded to the recent unrest in the money markets by analyzing the systemic fragility of the traditional financial sector as compared with Bitcoin (BTC).In a Medium blog post published on Sept. 25, Long made the argument that “at a systemic level, the

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