Friday, March 28, 2025
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16 tips to help blockchain companies refine their marketing messages

Word about blockchain technology’s benefits has penetrated the global marketplace, so now’s the time for blockchain businesses to begin deliberately refining and sharing their marketing messages. Like other service businesses, blockchain companies have to find effective ways to explain why their service in particular is the right choice for a

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UK financial watchdog reminds crypto firms of October deadline for marketing compliance

The United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority, or FCA, has announced that all cryptoasset firms marketing to users in the country must be in compliance with its financial promotions regime by October 2023.In letters dated July 4, the FCA said starting on Oct. 8, companies operating in the U.K. will have

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UK’s FCA Right to Propose Stop to Marketing Crypto Like Bitcoin (BTC) as ‘Inflation Resistant,’ Industry Members Say

“Due to bitcoin's relatively short existence, we have to rely on the fundamental concepts of what it represents as an asset, so theoretically, it being of limited supply while being priced in U.S. dollars, it should act as an inflation hedge,” Butterfill told CryptoX. Source

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UK’s Financial Watchdog FCA Proposes Ban on Crypto Incentives in Tough New Marketing Rules

Under the new rules, crypto will be classified as “restricted mass market investments,” which will require any advertisements or promotions to contain “clear risk warnings,” and bans incentives to invest such as “refer a friend” or “new joiner bonuses,” the regulator said. Source

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