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Marketing company wants 90% of Japanese population on Web3: KBW 2023

Proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain platform Avalanche is expecting 5-10 million transactions on a subnet as a Japanese loyalty program company that claims to have 100 million users has partnered with the network to bring their mass-scale loyalty rewards program into a blockchain. Cointelegraph’s Andrew Fenton interviewed Nick Mussallem, Ava Labs' head of

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DYdX to launch decentralized order book exchange on Cosmos: KBW 2023

Decentralized exchange (DEX) platform dYdX plans to offer a “purely decentralized” order book exchange as it migrates its ecosystem from the Ethereum network to the interchain network Cosmos.At the Korea Blockchain Week 2023, Cointelegraph's Andrew Fenton spoke with dYdX Foundation CEO Charles d'Haussy about the DEX’s plans to implement decentralized

Read More to introduce Bitcoiners to decentralized finance: KBW 2022

Crypto platform is looking to expand its ecosystem by introducing Bitcoin (BTC) holders to the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) and implementing new services such as a decentralized exchange (DEX) in its platform. Speaking with Cointelegraph’s Andrew Fenton at the Korea Blockchain Week (KBW) 2022,'s head of financial services

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Ethereum Merge may lessen usage for other chains, says Nansen CEO: KBW 2022

Cointelegraph’s Brian Newar spoke with Alex Svanevik, the CEO of blockchain data firm Nansen at the Korea Blockchain Week (KBW) 2022  held in Seoul and discussed topics like the upcoming Ethereum (ETMerge and how it will affect other blockchains. According to Svanevik, the industry witnessed a spillover effect in the last

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Web2 adoption key to Metaverse success, Klaytn Foundation — KBW 2022

Sam Seo, the director of metaverse-focused blockchain Klaytn Foundation, believes widespread adoption of the Metaverse will be “easier” if Web2 companies integrate the tech with their products and services. Speaking to Cointelegraph during the Korea Blockchain Week (KBW) on Monday, Seo suggested that Web3 metaverse projects generally have issues attracting

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