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Aerodrome and Velodrome DeFi platforms experience front-end hacks

The decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms Aerodrome and Velodrome reported compromises to their front ends on Nov. 28. The two platforms posted announcements on X (formerly Twitter) stating their front ends were compromised and asked users not to interact with the platforms while investigations are underway. Our frontend is currently compromised. Please

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Xiaomi Rolls Out New Operating System HyperOS to Revolutionize User Experience 

Xiaomi’s founder and chairman of the board Lei Jun said it took approximately 5000 software engineers’ combined efforts to develop the new operating system. Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi has announced the launch of its cutting-edge operating system HyperOS after five years of dedicated hard work and research. The new OS, unveiled Thursday

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Horse Racing Game NEOBRED Integrates with Avalanche for Superior Web3 Gaming Experience

Layer-1 blockchain Avalanche is known for its speed, low cost, scalability, and security. Blockchain horse racing game NEOBRED has announced that it is integrating with blockchain Avalanche to provide players with a superior gaming experience by leveraging the network’s speed and cost-effectiveness. A spokesperson from NEOBRED said of the integration: “We are excited

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Upland teams up with NFLPA to enhance NFL metaverse experience

Upland, the web3 metaverse SuperApp in collaboration with the NFL Players Association (NFLPA) through OneTeam Partners, is launching its third year featuring officially licensed NFL player collections. NFLPA and Upland partnership Upland, the blockchain-based game enabling real-world virtual property trading, has partnered with the NFLPA through OneTeam Partners, its gaming arm. This

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Circle Partners with Grab to Pilot Web3 Experience

Circle co-founder and CEO Jeremy Allaire expressed delight at seeing major Web2 companies integrating blockchain technology. USDC issuer Circle has announced its partnership with Southeast Asian technology startup Grab to pilot Web3 customer experiences in Singapore. Established in 2012 as MyTeksi, Grab app is a multinational technology company that operates from out

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XRP bucks trend as crypto assets experience 4th straight week of outflows

Cryptocurrency asset outflows for the week of Sept. 3 through 9 totaled $59.3 million, bringing the current run to $249 million over four consecutive weeks. Bitcoin (BTC) experienced the bulk of activity last week, with its $68.9 million in outflows offset by Short Bitcoin inflows in the amount of $15.2 million

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