Sunday, March 2, 2025
Home > News > Bitcoin News > ‘Bull Run May Not Come Immediately After Bitcoin Halving,’ Says Bitmain’s Jihan Wu

‘Bull Run May Not Come Immediately After Bitcoin Halving,’ Says Bitmain’s Jihan Wu

While You’re Under Quarantine, Check These Sites for Remote Crypto Jobs

If you are on the lookout for a job in these pressing times, when the coronavirus pandemic has limited public movement and shut down businesses, it’s worth exploring opportunities to work from the relative safety of your home. The number … read more.

Internet May Be Next Victim of Coronavirus Pandemic Fears the EU, Netflix, Google and Amazon React

The Internet May Be Next Victim of Coronavirus Pandemic – Netflix, Google, Apple and Amazon React

With an estimated billion people staying home, remote working or just watching shows online all day, telecom infrastructure is coming under great strain. Experts and companies are mostly saying that the risk is far from critical yet, but the EU … read more.

The Multi Trillion-Dollar Stimulus Package - Here’s a List of US Corporations Begging for Bailouts

The Multi Trillion-Dollar Stimulus Package: These Are the US Corporations Begging for Bailouts

The coronavirus outbreak has caused considerable damage to the global economy and this week the U.S. is facing the onslaught of the scare. As Republicans and Democrats battle in congress over a 2020 stimulus plan, corporate industries are leaping at … read more.

Coronavirus Bailouts: US Banking Watchdogs Waive Hundreds of Regulations, Red Tape, Financial Oversight

In 2019, cryptocurrency and blockchain businesses saw more regulation than any year prior. G20 finance ministers, central bank governors, and regulators cracked down hard on the bitcoin industry. However, during the covid-19 scare, U.S. authorities have been dropping regulations on … read more.

2x Bitcoin: Wanna Double Your BTC to the Moon? Forget About It

2x Bitcoin: Wanna Double Your BTC to the Moon? Forget About It

Amid worldwide crisis and stock market turmoil, a growing number of investment schemes advertise a way to speedily double your bitcoins. Moon Bitcoin Live, for example, claims to be a licensed bitcoin doubler, promising that investors can double their bitcoins … read more.

Crypto Mining Crunch Time - Bitcoin Halving Less Than 50 Days Away While Global Economy Shudders

Crypto Mining Crunch Time – Bitcoin Halving Less Than 50 Days Away While Global Economy Shudders

On or around May 13, the BTC network will see a block reward reduction as miners will go from getting 12.5 coins per block to 6.25 coins following the halving. The last time the protocol’s block reward halved was on … read more.

'Not Dying 4 Wall Street' - Twitter Trends Show People Are Fed Up With Banks and Oligarchs

#NotDying4WallStreet – Twitter Trends Show People Are Fed Up With Wall Street, Banks and Oligarchs

As the coronavirus outbreak causes havoc to the world economy, the U.S. is trying to prepare for the onslaught of new cases. U.S. politicians crafted shelter-in-place orders in various states and shut down a decent fraction of American industries. Now … read more.

Shelter-in-Place for Cash? 2 Bills Submitted by US Congress Mention 'Digital Dollars'

Shelter-in-Place for Cash? 2 Bills Submitted by US Congress Mention ‘Digital Dollars’

During the last few days, members of the U.S. Congress have been trying to pen a stimulus plan to help the American economy. Since then, a few bills have been submitted by representatives and two particular proposals House democrats have … read more.

How to Buy Weed With Bitcoin

How to Buy Weed With Bitcoin

So you’ve got a little bitcoin to your name but are all out of weed. What you gonna do? Well, if you’re fortunate enough to live in a region where marijuana is legal, there are ways to exchange the two. … read more.

Regulatory Roundup: Crypto Regulations Advance Despite Global Crisis, Cash Shortages, Bank Closures

Regulatory Roundup: Crypto Regulations Advance Despite Global Crisis, Cash Shortages, Bank Closures

In this roundup, we cover crypto regulatory developments amid the global crisis effected by the coronavirus outbreak, bank closures, interest rate cuts, and plunging stock markets. Through it all, governments worldwide are still focusing on cryptocurrency regulation, including the U.S., … read more.

Anonymous Bitcoin SV Miners Capture 55% of the Network Hashrate

Anonymous Bitcoin SV Miners Capture 55% of the Network Hashrate

The Bitcoin SV network has been a topic of conversation recently as stealth miners currently command more than 55% of the chain’s overall hashrate during the last seven days. Last year analysts noticed a large amount of the hashrate on … read more.

Cut and Run: How to Quickly Cash Out From Crypto to Fiat

How to Quickly Cash Out From Crypto to Fiat

There are many reasons why you might seek to liquidate your digital assets into fiat currency, be it to pay a bill, buy a meal, or cover an emergency. When needs must, speed is of the essence; no one has … read more.

$2 Trillion for Surveillance Capitalism – US Government Promises $1,200 to Every American

On Wednesday, U.S. Congressional leaders had seemingly come up with a stimulus deal at around 1 a.m. EST. The package will cost upwards of $2 trillion and politicians are promising direct payments of $1,200 per American if they make $75,000 … read more.

Judge Grants Injunction Halting Telegram's TON Release Once Again, Notice of Appeal Reportedly Filed

Judge Grants Injunction Halting Telegram’s TON Release Again, Notice of Appeal Reportedly Filed

The embattled Telegram Open Network (TON) blockchain and its native gram cryptocurrency have seen plans for launch stifled once again, with a preliminary injunction granted by Southern District of New York Judge P. Kevin Castel. The March 24 injunction sides … read more.

Privacy Browser Brave Integrates Cryptocurrency Trading Through Binance

Privacy Browser Brave Integrates Cryptocurrency Trading Through Binance

Privacy-oriented Brave has launched cryptocurrency trading within its browser. The company announced on Tuesday that over 12 million active monthly users of the privacy browser can now buy and sell cryptocurrencies, view their crypto balances, and obtain deposit addresses without … read more.

China Is Drafting Laws for the Circulation of National Digital Currency

China Is Drafting Laws for the Circulation of National Digital Currency

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, China’s central bank has reportedly completed the basic development of the nation’s central bank digital currency. The central bank is now drafting legislation for its circulation, according to local media. A number of patents have revealed … read more.

Here’s How to Order Food From Your Home Using Cryptocurrency

Here’s How to Order Food From Your Home Using Cryptocurrency

Staying home during the coronavirus epidemic reduces the risk of getting infected with the deadly covid-19. The disease, which has already claimed the lives of over 20,000 people globally, spreads through human contact. Food is one of the few basic … read more.

Making Bitcoin Go Viral: Could Endless Printing Trigger a Hyperbitcoinization Event?

Making Bitcoin Go Viral: Endless Printing Could Trigger Hyperbitcoinization

Hyperbitcoinization has been defined as “a state where bitcoin becomes the world’s dominant form of money.” But what actually needs to happen for bitcoin to ‘go viral’? As it turns out, a hyperbitcoinization event may be more likely than many … read more.

'What Bitcoin Did' - Scanning the Hottest Cryptocurrency Keywords and Google Searches

‘What Bitcoin Did’ – Scanning the Hottest Cryptocurrency Keywords and Google Searches

For years now the term “bitcoin” has managed to capture a tight relationship with specific trends and keywords online. decided to investigate the specific keywords, questions, comparisons, and prepositions that are often associated with the digital currency when people … read more.

4 Virtual Crypto Conferences You Can Attend From Home

4 Virtual Crypto Conferences You Can Attend From Home

The crypto industry has had to quickly adapt to the escalating coronavirus pandemic, with major conferences postponed, canceled or hastily reformatted for the virtual realm. Due to its disproportionately high number of remote workers, though, the industry is more geared … read more.

Printing Money from Thin Air - How the Fed Reduces Purchasing Power and Makes You Poorer

Printing Money from Thin Air – How the Fed Reduces Purchasing Power and Makes You Poorer

Unless you have your head in the sand, you’ve probably realized that governments and central banks can print money out of thin air and in unlimited amounts. The United States and the Federal Reserve have been creating money from nothing … read more.

‘Overwhelming Evidence’ – Prosecutors File Motion to Dismiss Alleged Onecoin Lawyer’s Appeal

While Onecoin’s crypto queen Ruja Ignatova remains at large, U.S. resident Mark Scott is trying to get his verdict acquitted after being accused of helping Onecoin leaders, including Ignatova, launder money and commit fraud. Also read: ‘What Bitcoin Did’ – … read more.

Bitcoin Hashrate Down 45% – Miners Witness Second-Largest Difficulty Drop in History

Bitcoin’s hashrate has plummeted 45% since the record-breaking levels it saw on Feb. 29. The hashrate touched an all-time high of 136 exahash per second (EH/s) but has since dropped to 75 EH/s. Moreover, the crypto network has seen the … read more.

$15 Million Reward on Maduro: US Charges Venezuelan President With Narco-Terrorism, Corruption, Drug Trafficking

$15 Million Bounty on Maduro: US Charges Venezuelan President With Narco-Terrorism and Drug Trafficking

The U.S. has charged 14 high-ranking officials of the Venezuelan government, including President Nicolas Maduro, with “narco-terrorism, corruption, drug trafficking and other criminal charges.” The U.S. government is offering rewards of up to $15 million for any information leading to … read more.

Coronavirus Relief: Cryptocurrency Aid Programs Launched to Combat Covid-19 Outbreak

Coronavirus Relief: Cryptocurrency Aid Programs Launched to Combat Covid-19 Outbreak

Cryptocurrencies are being used to help fight the global coronavirus pandemic. Crypto companies are doing their part to provide coronavirus aid to countries, hospitals, and people suffering from covid-19. A coronavirus relief campaign, a Red Cross bitcoin fundraiser, and an … read more.

Market Update: Slew of Unknown Coins Has Seen Considerable Gains Since 'Black Thursday'

Market Update: Slew of Unknown Coins Has Seen Considerable Gains Since ‘Black Thursday’

The cryptocurrency economy has been slowly rising toward a $200 billion market capitalization again following the grueling global market carnage that started on March 12. Most of the top ten cryptos are closer to the prices they held before ‘Black … read more.

Bitcoin Miners Are Selling Coins Faster Than They Can Generate Them

According to data sites and a number of observers, bitcoin miners are selling coins faster than they can produce them. Ever since the market downturn on March 12 and the week of falling prices that followed, bitcoin miners have been … read more.

Vermont Rapper Releases Hip Hop Track ‘#Freeross,’ Ulbricht Petition Nears 300K Signatures

Southern Vermont-based hip-hop artist, Krypto Man, has released a new single called “#Freeross” in hopes to get Ross Ulbricht released from prison. Krypto Man is a well known rapper on the east coast and revenue from the song will be … read more.

Ripple CEO's Public Statements About XRP Token Under Fire in Class-Action Lawsuit

Ripple CEO’s Public Statements About XRP Token Under Fire in Class-Action Lawsuit

Plaintiffs in the class action lawsuit against Ripple Labs have filed another litigation complaint against Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse. The news follows the recent court judgment that denied Ripple Lab’s attempt to get the case dismissed. Also read: Market Update: … read more.

Singapore Allows Crypto Companies to Operate Without a License for 6 Months

Singapore Allows Crypto Companies to Operate Without a License for 6 Months

The Monetary Authority of Singapore has granted an exemption from holding a license to a number of cryptocurrency companies operating in the country under the new Payment Services Act. Among the companies benefiting from this six-month grace period are Binance, … read more.


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