Thursday, December 19, 2024
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Bitcoin Mining Machine Shortage Worsens as Bitmain Sells Out Through August

Even though leading bitcoin mining manufacturer Bitmain doubled prices to capitalize on overwhelming demand resulting from the surge in the price of bitcoin, it still pre-sold three months of inventory in a few weeks.In early December, Bitmain was pre-selling bitcoin ASIC miners with an expected shipping date of May 2021,

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Private Brave Browser Integrates Auto Wayback Machine Lookup

Brave, a major privacy-oriented rival of popular browsers like Google Chrome and Firefox, now automatically redirects users to check out archived versions of pages that were removed from the web.Starting from Feb. 25, Brave browser users can instantly access archived content of “missing” pages on the Internet via Wayback

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Cybersecurity Company Kaspersky Debuts Blockchain-Based Voting Machine

Blockchain voting is gaining more traction in the United States despite the abysmal failure of mobile voting at the Iowa Democratic Caucus earlier this month. Companies on the forefront of blockchain technology realize the potential of the products they are developing to not only transform the global economy, but

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