Saturday, September 28, 2024
Home > Zucks

Zuck’s ‘incredible’ photorealistic tech wows crypto twitter

While critics have been busy writing eulogies for Meta’s metaverse dream over the last few years, Mark Zuckerberg’s latest demonstration of its photorealistic avatars shows it could be pretty far from dead after all.Appearing on a Sept. 28 episode of the Lex Fridman podcast, Zuckerberg and the popular computer scientist

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Shitposters set for $DRAMA rewards, Zuck’s little league card tokenize and more…

Solana-based NFT project Outcast Academy has started dishing its newly launched $DRAMA tokens, rewarding the most popular shitposters on Twitter as nominated by the community.Outcast Academy describes itself as an “entertainment NFT experiment” and has launched $DRAMA tokens as part of its “shitpost-to-earn” ecosystem, allowing community members to tag its

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