Monday, March 17, 2025
Home > Wallet (Page 67)

Wasabi Wallet Is Revamping Its CoinJoin Design to Allow Bitcoin Mixing With Differing Values

Privacy-focused Bitcoin software wallet Wasabi is getting a major protocol overhaul. The Wasabi team is working on a new protocol design, dubbed WabiSabi, in a bid to improve the user experience and privacy guarantees of the wallet’s CoinJoin transactions. The major design change would allow users to coinjoin with different values

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Canadian Exchange Shakepay Gets Cold Wallet Insurance to Protect Customer Funds

Crypto exchange Shakepay, which describes itself as “Canada’s fastest-growing bitcoin platform,” conducted a “proof-of-reserves” audit and acquired an insurance policy to reinforce its security, perhaps learning a lesson from fellow Canadian platforms QuadrigaCX, Einstein and Coinsquare, which all lost customer funds or have otherwise been involved in scandals over the

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