Friday, July 26, 2024
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Former Kraken Employee Sues Exchange for ‘Unethical and Illegal Business Tactics’

A former employee of United States-based cryptocurrency exchange Kraken initiated legal proceedings against the company in connection with breach of contract and sanctions violation, among other issues.Per a court document filed on Nov. 26, Nathan Peter Runyon — a marine wartime veteran and ex-employee of Kraken, where he served

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Ex-Kraken Employee Alleges ‘Unethical and Illegal Tactics’ in Discrimination Lawsuit

Kraken, the U.S.-based cryptocurrency exchange, is being sued by an ex-employee who alleges the company unfairly fired him for raising serious issues with its business practices.The case – filed Nov. 26 in California– has been brought by Nathan Runyon, a military veteran with disabilities, and, while he seeks damages related

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