Monday, March 3, 2025
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SushiSwap to create three DAOs in Panama and Cayman in business restructuring

The Sushi DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization behind crypto exchange SushiSwap, has approved a legal restructuring on Oct. 26 that creates three new decentralized entities, aiming to provide more flexibility to its operations.The proposal, which received 100% votes in favor, will create the DAO Foundation, the Panamanian Foundation, and the

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President of Panama Partially Vetoes Crypto Law Passed by National Assembly – Bitcoin News

Laurentino Cortizo, president of Panama, has exercised his veto powers to make a series of objections to the recently approved cryptocurrency law. The observations of the president only touch on certain articles and do not affect the law in its entire scope. However, these articles of the bill will have

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Presidente de Panamá veta parcialmente proyecto de ley que regula uso de criptomonedas

Según los tuits de Silva, la Comisión de Gobierno del Congreso panameño discutirá los puntos considerados inconstitucionales por Cortizo, mientras que la Comisión de Comercio abordará los puntos que Cortizo determinó inconvenientes. Luego, el proyecto de ley deberá pasar por un segundo y tercer debate, donde se votarán sólo los

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President of Panama shoots down crypto bill citing FATF guidelines

Panama’s President Laurentino Cortizo has partially vetoed Bill No. 697 dubbed the “crypto bill” saying it requires more work to better fit Panama’s financial regulations.President Cortizo previously warned in May he wouldn’t sign the bill unless it included additional Anti-Money Laundering rules after Panama’s National Assembly passed the crypto bill

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Top 30 Panama Bank is ‘Bitcoin friendly,’ welcomes crypto services

Panama’s path to crypto adoption is stepping up a gear. Towerbank, a Panamanian financial institution with over 200 employees and 40 years of banking experience, has declared itself Bitcoin (BTC) friendly, paving the way for crypto accounts. In a series of tweets and leaks from a blockchain meetup in Panama’s capital, Panama

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Panamá aprueba ley cripto que regula transacciones y aplica exenciones impositivas

Por otra parte, desde la legislatura aclararon que la ley trata las criptomonedas como ingresos de fuente extranjera, lo que significa que no serán gravados con impuestos sobre las ganancias de capital (tax capital gains, en inglés), de acuerdo con el sistema tributario territorial de Panamá, Source

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