Monday, March 3, 2025
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Christie’s Will Auction Original Art From Gary Vee ‘s Veefriends NFT Collection

Notorious entrepreneur and social media personality, Gary Vee, is now a full-blown artist. The legendary auction house Christie’s crowned him as so by announcing the sale of five of the original pieces from his Veefriends NFT collection. Is this new development positive for NFT mania? Is it positive for Veefriends

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Original Blockchain & Bitcoin: Different Paths To Decentralization

Blockchain co-inventor, Scott Stornetta discusses why Satoshi’s Bitcoin (BTC) design diverted from his implementation of blockchain.In our previous articles, we described Stornetta’s views on Satoshi’s background and the philosophical evidence of why Stornetta could have been Satoshi. Now, we focus on an important design difference between the original blockchain that

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The Original Vision of Bitcoin is the Answer to Mass Adoption of Cryptocurrency

Despite its fallacies, blockchain technology, as Satoshi envisioned it, presents an opportunity to transform the way financial markets workSatoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin out of his distrust and the control governments and central banks have over the financial sector. After negative banking experiences, a global recession, and not being able to open

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