Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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SEC Slams Neil Chandran, 4 Others with Fresh Charges in $45M Blockchain Scam

The regulator will seek to fine appropriately, all the parties involved, and recover whatever is left of the stolen investors’ funds.The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has newly charged Neil Chandran and four other associates for orchestrating a fraudulent scheme. According to the press release, Chandran and others successfully

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OneCoin Scam Paid $300K to Neil Bush, George H.W. Bush’s Son and George W. Bush’s Brother

The vanished head of the OneCoin crypto Ponzi scheme, Ruja Ignatova (also known as the CryptoQueen), has paid $300K to Neil Bush, the son of the late 41st U.S. President George Bush and the brother of the 43rd President George W. Bush, for attending meetings organized by Ignatova’s fraudulent cryptocurrency

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