Friday, July 5, 2024
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Resource Extraction, Social Media Monetization and Real World Connections

The Story: Esteemed science journal Nature published a paper all about the coming wave of decentralized social media, or DeSo, and the implications of “tokenizing” user engagements. Authors ​​Meysam Alizadeh, Emma Hoes and Fabrizio Gilardi argue that social media companies like Streemit, Reddit and Twitter are announcing plans to help

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Bitriver to Mine Crypto Using Excess Gas From Gazprom Neft’s Oil Extraction – Mining Bitcoin News

Russian crypto mining operator Bitriver will use electricity generated from associated gas provided by Gazprom Neft to mint digital coins. As part of a new agreement, the mining company will in return develop the digital infrastructure at the oil producer’s wells in Russia. Crypto Mining Operator Bitriver to Cooperate With Russian

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