Friday, September 20, 2024
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Bitcoin and banking’s differing energy narratives are a matter of perspective

The Carbon Bankroll Report was released on May 17 as a collaboration among the Climate Safe Lending Network, The Outdoor Policy Outfit and Bank FWD. The collaboration made it possible to calculate the emissions generated due to a company’s cash and investments, such as cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities.

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R3, Once Banking’s Blockchain Bet, Is Spinning Up a DeFi Token — CoinDesk

“Our team is working on a proof-of-concept project for a private, permission-less DeFi network, with a corresponding token,” R3 representative Nick Murray-Leslie said via email. (“Private” and “permission-less” sounds confusing, but refers to R3′s work with Intel SGX to create a closed setting for transactions while holding onto the open

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