Tuesday, July 2, 2024
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How NFTs are Impacting Artists’ Lives: Enter Bullseum

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are brought to the world by the blockchain. They are similar to cryptocurrencies, but NFTs are different. Unlike cryptocurrencies, NFTs are unique tokens. They display ownership, source and history on a permanent, transparent, decentralized, secure and open-source database. NFTs are disrupting or on the verge of disrupting numerous

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Marvel Comics Tells Freelance Artists Not to Mint Marvel-Brand NFTs, Publisher to ‘Introduce Opportunities for Creators’ – Bitcoin News

Last March, the comic book publisher DC Comics told freelancers that intellectual property (IP) and characters owned by DC Comics were off-limits in regards to freelancers leveraging the IP for non-fungible token (NFT) asset sales. A recent report indicates that Marvel Comics has also told freelance artists that the sale

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More Zimbabwean Artists Pivot to NFTs as Bubble Concerns Grow – Altcoins Bitcoin News

A Zimbabwean artist, Greatjoy Ndlovu, joined the growing list of African artists pivoting to the non-fungible tokens (NFT) market after his digital artwork was sold for 0.7 ethereum. The sale, which took place on the Async Art NFT marketplace, is Ndlovu’s first foray into the digital art space. NFTs an Opportunity

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Revival NFT Marketplace on IOST to Auction Pieces by Globally Renowned Digital Artists, Including Japan’s Tamaki Chihiro

Breathtaking pieces of art by Spatial Artist Wu Dan, Tamaki Chihiro—one of Japan’s leading manga artists, and more are being showcased at Revival–the first multi-chain NFT aggregator marketplace on IOST–, after joining under the Medici Support Program. Revival NFT Marketplace and Medici Support Program Various updates on July 30 indicates that users

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How much is too much? Crypto art market brings together deep pockets and big artists

With the nonfungible token market approaching the frothing point, perhaps it’s time to sit back and ask: “What’s happening here?” The $750,000 in proceeds from the recent sale of a single “alien” CypherPunk NFT, after all, could have paid for a reasonably sized house.The crypto world at large is only

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‘Great Artists Steal’ – What Enterprise Blockchain Can Learn From the Past

For as long as there have been computers in enterprises, there have been people working on how to make machine-to-machine commerce a reality. While the world of blockchain is only now embracing smart contracts for enterprise usage, programmable, machine-to-machine commerce has been around since the 1970s.I started thinking about the

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