Poloniex, a digital asset exchange based in the US, has notified its users that they need to reset their passwords for their accounts on the exchange.
Poloniex initially sent users individual emails regarding the password and account security reset but after one of the crypto exchange’s customers posted on Twitter a screenshot of the email, claiming that it is a scam, the company tweeted and replied that the email is real. The company requested from its users to follow the instructions and reset their account passwords.
The screenshot posted on December 30th on Twitter shows the details of the email which stated that a couple of hours prior, the Poloniex team discovered that an anonymous entity had leaked a list of email addresses and passwords on Twitter and claimed that these accounts could be used to log into Poloniex.
Although the team confirmed that the accounts leaked do not belong to the database of Poliniex, the company is taking pre-cautionary steps and asking its users to reset their passwords in case one of the email addresses is used for a Poloniex account.
After the initial hesitation between the consumers due to suspicious that the email was a potential scam, the official account of Poloniex’s customer support cleared the air and confirmed that the email was part of the security measures taken by the company, and that the customers of the exchange should follow them accordingly to protect their assets from suffering any damage.
The details of the data leak have not been made public yet so the information regarding the scale of the leak and who leaked it or when it was leaked is not accessible. Poloniex has still not commented regarding the details of what actually caused the breach of email data and what measures have they taken to prevent such activity from happening again in the future.
Poloniex has been able to make a credible name for itself so far in the crypto industry after TRON’s founder and CEO Justin Sun invested int the company. The update regarding the security breach comes just shortly after Justin Sun decided to donate $1 million to Greta Thunberg’s climate change initiative.
This is already the second email data leak of a cryptocurrency exchange over the past couple of months. The crypto exchange BitMEX has also suffered from an email data leak as well; however, the difference is that BitMEX itself appeared to have done it by accident.