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Cartesi Launches Linux Infrastructure For Developing Blockchain DApps

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Cartesi, who claim they are the first DApp infrastructure that runs an operating system (OS) on top of blockchains, is launching their product as the simultaneously close their first round of funding.

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The company’s layer-2 solution is allegedly the first of its kind to bridge the gap between a Linux runtime environment and blockchain, giving developers the opportunity to create DApps using a vast array of mainstream software stacks.

“We are excited to be launching the first-ever Linux infrastructure that runs on top of a blockchain, while we complete our second round of funding,” says Cartesi CEO Erick de Moura. “Blockchains and decentralization will allow for a new exciting range of applications, but with the current state of DApps, the space is very limited, making it very difficult for mainstream adoption. So, we are striving to create serious change and increase the viability of DApp development on top of a blockchain.”

Currently, it is possible to develop directly on the blockchain, but the process is complex, lengthy, and the applications are left with very limited computational capabilities.  As blockchain moves out of the shadows and into mainstream consciousness; programming and developing infrastructure must adapt to the new technology for other, non-crypto purposes. 

Cartesi brings all the tools and capabilities available in modern operating systems to the decentralized web. The company’s solution provides a legitimate and fully-fledged Linux OS that magnifies the capabilities of decentralized applications without compromising on the security guarantees of blockchain. Cartesi enables programmers to code decentralized applications seamlessly, while maintaining the appeal of mainstream web apps. Moreover, Cartesi will reduce the barrier of entry for mainstream developers and veterans, by eliminating the need to learn new programming languages and domain-specific tools that often present limitations and a steep learning curve. 

Cartesi’s framework provides complete scalability for game developers, allowing them to code in their preferred language and still achieve the same product efficiency they are accustomed to:

  • A legitimate and fully-fledged Linux OS 
  • The ability to code decentralized applications seamlessly
  • Eliminates the need to learn new programming languages and domain-specific tools 

To illustrate the flexibility of Cartesi they are also launching Creepts, a decentralized tower defence game. Creepts’ game logic was written using TypeScript, running off-chain in a fully reproducible Virtual Machine that guarantees honesty among players. Cartesi does the work off-chain and then transfer the results on-chain deterministically so that anyone can confirm the legitimacy of the computation. 

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Also published on Medium.

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