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What the Kate Middleton ‘Scandal’ Proves About Meghan’s Problematic Fangirls

  • Kensington Palace is taking legal action against Tatler magazine for an article that paints Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle in a negative light.
  • Despite this, the Sussex Squad and Meghan’s fans are generally reacting with glee at the upset this piece has caused.
  • This reaction confirms that for the Sussex Squad, it’s all about Kate.

Kensington Palace is reportedly taking legal action against Tatler magazine for its inexcusable hit-piece on Duchess Kate Middleton. It would appear that the media doesn’t just attack Meghan Markle!

You’d think the people who championed Meghan and Harry’s court action against the media would also be supportive of Kate’s plight.

After all, a sexist and woman-shaming article is an insult to all women, and as such, we should be looking to join in solidarity against such outlets, right?


The Tatler fiasco exposes the problematic behavior of Meghan Markle acolytes

I would love to be able to say that I’m surprised by the way Meghan Markle acolytes have reacted to Tatler’s coverage of Kate Middleton.

But I’m not.

Meghan’s hateful fans are more about pitching woman against woman than anything else. | Source: Twitter

It’s harrowing that we see a rabid fanbase such as the “Sussex Squad,” which consists primarily of women, spend most of their time disgustingly attacking other women.

By all means, be critical of Kate Middleton’s actions. But much of the vitriol I see aimed at the Duchess is focused on her looks and – even more alarming – at her children.

Attacking children is acceptable to some Meghan fans. | Source: Twitter

If Meghan Markle fans truly wanted to see their idol given a reprieve by the British media, they’d do well to support Kensington Palace’s crusade against Tatler.

A victory for Kate Middleton would set an important precedent. It would strike a blow to the sort of sordid royal family gossip that Meghan and Harry claim to have been fighting against since day one.

It’s increasingly obvious that the Sussex Squad’s behavior has nothing to do with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

These individuals say they’re devoted fans, but they’re not. Meghan is nothing but an excuse to spew hatred and bully supporters of the British monarchy.

They don’t see Meghan Markle as a person. To many of the deluded members of this group, she’s a blank slate onto which they project their own fantasies.

And their response to the Tatler incident is the best evidence yet.

This was always about Kate Middleton

The thrust of the piece is that Kate is overworked and feeling the strain, and it’s Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s fault.

But Kensington Palace is having none of it. To blame Meghan and Harry for Kate being overworked and exhausted would make all parties look bad, including the Markles.

The article blames Kate’s exhaustion on Harry and Meghan. | Source: Twitter

This is why it’s confusing to see the Sussex Squad react with such glee at these claims. Surely they wouldn’t want Meghan tagged with being the reason Kate Middleton is suffering, right?

Meghan’s fans are more about hating Kate than loving Meghan. | Source: Twitter

But no, Meghan’s fans are far more driven by their hatred for Kate Middleton than they are by their love for Meghan Markle.

It’s all about the future Queen Consort.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of

This article was edited by Josiah Wilmoth.
