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Home > Exchanges > The Kardashians Are a Disgrace – And It’s Time We Cancel Them Forever

The Kardashians Are a Disgrace – And It’s Time We Cancel Them Forever

  • The Kardashians’ behavior was always ridiculous.
  • In a post-COVID-19 world, their shenanigans are even more galling.
  • Shouldn’t they call it a day already?

Much of California is still on lockdown, but keeping up with the Kardashians is just as exhausting as ever.

In just one week, a Kardashian wore assless chaps for a staged pap shoot, made tone-deaf comments about gaining 10 pounds on a 105-pound frame, and announced they’d get brand new iPhones every week to film the new season of their show.

And of course, Khloe is still being Khloe.

This behavior would have been met with a shrug and a “meh” prior to COVID-19 wreaking havoc on our lives. After all, celebrity culture calls for all this and more.

But in a world where people don’t know where their next paycheck is coming from, the Kardashians’ behavior seems more than a little out of touch. And frankly, it proves they’ve outlived their time in the sun, and they need to go away already.

The Kardashians Can Only Thrive on Shenanigans

“Being famous solely for the sake of being famous” has been a Kardashian calling card (kalling kard?) since they first burst onto the scene.

Besides giving us all one more reason to find Ryan Seacrest irritating, the family of K’s weren’t known for doing anything but being living, breathing embodiments of the films “Valley Girl” and “Clueless.”

And in the beginning, it was cute. Not all of us can sing and dance, so Kim Kardashian and company (kompany?) gave the less talented amongst us hope for the future.

And then, coronavirus hit.

Life as we knew it changed overnight.

Now, all of a sudden, Kim Kardashian wearing assless chaps to the grocery store reeks of needless attention-grabbing. Who amongst us is going to go to Stop ‘N’ Shop dressed like one of Cher’s back-up dancers during a pandemic?

Cake’s in aisle two. Class sold separately. | Source: Twitter

Speaking of a pandemic, the Kardashians have your face mask needs covered, too. Apparently too good to donate time, energy, or face masks to those in need, Kim’s SKIMS linewhich is as tone-deaf as the rest of her brand — can be yours for $8 each! What a steal!

When they’re back in stock, that is. Hello, the myth of perceived scarcity!

“I’m, Like, SO FAT!”

Feeling a little heavy during quarantine? No worries, folks! The Kardashians have you covered!

Just ask Kourtney, the eldest of the Kardashian klan (that typo stays…).

She recently revealed that she’s been “bullied” because she “gained a few pounds during this quarantine.”

Aside from the obvious — mean words on the internet shouldn’t hurt you, love, and the block button exists — if Kourtney Kardashian is “fat,” then anyone bigger than a size 2 should go on “My 600 Lb. Life.”

Why Are the Kardashians Getting New iPhones Every Week?

The Kardashians have never felt less relevant. | Source: Kathy Hutchins/

Quarantine has completely overhauled the television and film industries. Today’s stars are being forced to self-film… if filming takes place at all.

And the Kardashians are no different.

There’s nothing wrong, in and of itself, with self-filming for “Keeping Up With The Kardashians.” But someone please explain why these women, who are allegedly millionaires and billionaires (though that’s in dispute), need a new iPhone every week to self-film? How does that remotely make any sense?

The Kardashians had a good run. They certainly lasted in the public eye — and on our television screens — for far longer than they should have.

But in a post-COVID-19 world, it’s time for them to go away already.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of

This article was edited by Josiah Wilmoth.
