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The Blockchain That Can Beat EOS, TRON And Ethereum

Applications have become an integral part of the modern lifestyle. There are apps for anything from monetary transactions to tuning household appliances from work. But the market of apps is evolving, just like any other market. The advent of decentralized applications, or dApps, has heralded a new era in the way we perceive software on our devices. As a result, the infrastructures for maintaining dApps is becoming a hotly contested battleground for developers.

The market has already seen the creation of 2,551 dApps being used by over 95,966 users daily. Transactions through dApps are surpassing the 4,418,078 mark a day, and 11,741 smart contracts are involved in the process. Above all else, the market of dApps is already generating the volume of $21,512,096 per day and is showing no signs of abating despite the recent slump in cryptocurrency prices. 

The growing competition on the market of decentralized infrastructures is largely due to the launch of new public protocols with their unique technical advantages, which are simplifying the development of dApps and the implementation of ideas and concepts that could not be implemented on Ethereum, Tron or EOS. The lack of the technology needed that would negate the disadvantages of blockchain, such as the inability of network scaling, low network bandwidth, low transaction processing times, and others, is the main barrier preventing dApps from becoming even more popular and widely accepted as logical alternatives to classical apps.

The Alternatives

Apart from the all too popular Ethereum, Tron and EOS networks, there are other infrastructures becoming worthy alternatives. The Credits platform is one such competitor in the field that is offering a new solution for the development of dApps.

The Credits blockchain platform is a completely open-source and fully decentralized blockchain software protocol operating on smart contracts that are designed to allow the creation of high-performance applications. 

Credits smart contracts are written in JAVA, one of the most popular programming languages ​​in the world that is both accessible to most programmers and easily configurable to suit an endless variety of needs. Apache Thrift technology is used to allow the platform to simplify the process of integration with products developed in different programming languages.

It Is Working

Credits is not just a platform, but a full-fledged company that has publicly opened access to its software for all users. Anyone willing can join the network, launch an operating node and develop their own products and services based on the Credits protocol. To date, more than 20 decentralized applications have been developed on the Credits protocol.The full list is available on Credits dApp Map.

Projects such as the 0XUniverse gaming dApps, Unlimited Tower, ExoPlanets, Royale Roulette, along with the Karma, Rare Bits and WandX projects that are currently operating on the basis of the Ethereum, Tron and EOS protocols, are considering the possibility of migrating their applications to the Credits protocol for better functioning. 

Among the more interesting products based on the Credits platform is the Crext Extension, an analogue of Metamask acting as a browser extension for storing the Credits cryptocurrency and other tokens, and interacting with products based on Credits protocol. Another dApp is the CScheduler, a Credits blockchain-based service that provides the ability to schedule smart contracts at a defining moment or at specified time intervals. Among the popular gaming dApps on the Credits platform is Dice, a blockchain-based gambling game involving casting dice under the supervision of a random number generator.

Competition Is Progress

It is impossible to remain on what has already been achieved and the IT sector is the most progressive industry in the world, raking in hundreds of billions of dollars a year on apps and other products. The blockchain industry is catching up in terms of capitalization as major players are stepping in to provide the necessary infrastructure for its growth. However, the mainstays of the market are not indomitable and are gradually giving way to more advanced and progressive solutions.

The progress that the Credits platform has already made in its development and the innovative nature of its protocol have attracted the attention of many developers and giants of the IT industry, such as Lenovo and IBM. But the project team does not mean to stop on what has already been achieved and is planning to launch thematic hackathons and an Accelerator Program with a prize pool up to $2,000,000 to support the development of products and to showcase the capabilities of the platform.

If all goes as planned, the market will soon see a large number of products developed on the basis of the Credits protocol that will contribute to the development of the project infrastructure and its tokenomics. No matter the outcome of the upcoming events, one thing is clear – Credits is here to stay.

About the Author: The author of this article is Martin Goldmann. 
Martin is a freelance writer with a background in journalism and publishing. 
He is a former managing editor of a cryptocurrency news outlet. He has been 
involved in the cryptocurrency industry for over two years and fully believes 
in its capacity to change the world.


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