Monday, March 3, 2025
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FTX creditors unimpressed with exchange’s bankruptcy exit plan

A body representing FTX customers said it is “extremely disappointed” by the exchange’s draft bankruptcy exit plan and claims it was ignored by FTX’s restructuring team.In a July 31 court filing, FTX’s Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (UCC) said despite its repeated requests and previous promises from the team, it

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BC Technology Group’s Crypto Platform Made Big Gains in 2021. So Why Are Investors Unimpressed?

"In the less than 24 hours since megastar Will Smith permanently damaged his public image by slapping Chris Rock, a man half his size, the cryptosphere has launched at least two projects purporting to somehow put the event on the blockchain. Despite no obvious logical connection between crypto and The

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German government unimpressed by Facebook stablecoin’s rebrand

Facebook’s Diem stablecoin, which recently changed its name from Libra, is still failing to impress German regulators.As reported by Reuters,  German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz voiced his criticism of the project on Monday after a conference between G-7 finance ministers and central bank directors. Scholz called Facebook’s project “a wolf in sheep’s

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