Sunday, March 30, 2025
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Financial Stability Board Calls for Tougher Global Crypto Norms After FTX, Celsius Scandals

The Financial Stability Board (FSB), which groups regulators from some two dozen jurisdictions, including the U.S., EU, China and the U.K., published recommendations to ensure “consistent and comprehensive” regulation of the sector. The recommendations build on proposals originally floated in October and are focused on preventing the kind of behavior

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Senate Banking Committee Holds Hearing on Recent Bank Collapses, Calls for Tougher Regulations – Regulation Bitcoin News

On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, also known as the Senate Banking Committee, held a hearing to discuss the recent bank collapses in the United States and the regulatory response. Throughout the testimonies, digital assets and crypto businesses were mentioned. Senate Banking Committee chairman

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French National Assembly Votes for Tougher Registration Rules for Crypto Firms

France is hoping to set itself up as a crypto hub, and companies such as Binance and Bitstamp have already successfully registered with France’s Financial Markets Authority (AMF). Registration involves checks on governance and money laundering norms, and is mandatory for all those offering trading or custody services in the

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TradFi Fights for Tougher Crypto Rulebook in Wake of FTX Collapse

According to the World Federation of Exchanges, whose members include Nasdaq, the Intercontinental Exchange and the London Stock Exchange Group, the FSB should even “strengthen its stance in requiring separation of activities,” ensuring the same standards apply as would for TradFi players, when crypto companies simultaneously operate platforms, execute trades,

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