Monday, March 31, 2025
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Oracle wants to bring blockchain to the masses through a crypto-secure data offering

While blockchain is known for bringing trust and transparency to multi-party workflows, it can also ensure the immutability of business-critical data. Realizing this potential, technology giant Oracle has announced a crypto-secure data management offering that will be provided as a free feature for Oracle converged database users. Juan Loaiza, executive vice president, Mission-Critical Database Technologies

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Tezos gets new oracle through Wolfram Blockchain Labs integration

Wolfram Blockchain Labs, the cryptocurrency-centric division of popular computing engine provider Wolfram Alpha, is adding support for Tezos on its platform, providing a two-way interface with the blockchain.Announced on Monday, the integration adds support for Tezos blockchain data within the Wolfram Language, which allows developers to obtain analytical data from

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DeFi data manipulation is too easy — and current oracle solutions aren’t helping much

It seems like every week we hear news of another DeFi project being hacked or exploited. The latest crop of victims includes such projects as Harvest Finance, Akropolis, Value DeFi, Origin and of course Compound.When exploits do occur, they usually involve manipulating the reference price like ETH/DAI on a data

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Critics grumble as YieldWars uses AP election call as an oracle

Following the Associated Press’ call earlier today that President-elect Joe Biden had won victory over incumbent Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential race, the 174 year-old organization -- which has been covering elections since 1848 -- subsequently published their call on the Ethereum and EOS blockchains, triggering at least one

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Huobi, Dragonfly, Coinbase Invest $500K in New DEX With Alternative Oracle Solutions

Decentralized exchange CoFiX, which aims to offer more accurate and less costly trading with a new oracle solution, has raised half a million dollars from several crypto investors including Huobi’s DeFi Labs, Dragonfly Capital and Coinbase Ventures. Many existing decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms such as UniSwap and Compound use oracles that

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Orchid’s new oracle integration is all about sharing secrets

Decentralized VPN Orchid is adding a Chainlink oracle that, like a “secret shopper,” samples bandwidth pricing from all the providers in the network. Orchid co-founder Steven Waterhouse explained the importance of this feature, stating, “The basic idea is in decentralized services like Orchid, where we have a decentralized VPN, there's no

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