Monday, July 1, 2024
Home > Grocery

Chamber of Digital Commerce alleges SEC is suing the equivalent of a “grocery store selling oranges”

The United States-based Chamber of Digital Commerce has joined a collective effort to challenge the lawsuit between the SEC and Binance. In an amicus brief dated Oct. 19, the advocacy group aims to halt the SEC’s attempt to oversee the cryptocurrency industry without authorization from the U.S. Congress. Tokens are not a

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Trader Joe’s grocery store files trademark lawsuit against Trader Joe DEX

Lawyers representing United States supermarket chain Trader Joe’s have filed a complaint in California against decentralized exchange Trader Joe.In an Oct. 5 filing in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, Trader Joe’s sued Trader Joe and its co-founder Cheng Chieh Liu over federal trademark infringement and

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