Friday, September 20, 2024
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Hinman documents suggest SEC is the wrong agency to govern digital assets, crypto lawyer says

On June 13, the long-awaited Hinman documents were finally unsealed and released to the public. The unveiled documents offer valuable insights into a significant speech delivered in 2018 by Bill Hinman, the former director of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) corporation finance division. In this 2018 speech, Hinman

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Blockchain powered ‘Smart Brain’ to govern China’s new ‘Aerospace City’

Singapore-based blockchain data firm CyberVein has become one of 12 firms participating in the construction of China’s Hainan Wenchang International Aerospace City.Construction commenced last month, with the site previously hosting a satellite launch center. Described as “China’s first aerospace cultural and tourism city,” it will be a hub for the

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