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Steve Wozniak Tries to Steal Coronavirus Spotlight with ‘Patient Zero’ Tweet

  • Steve Wozniak tweeted on Monday that he and his wife were possibly “patient zero’ for coronavirus in the U.S.
  • If that’s true, boy, did they go a long time without addressing it.
  • Wozniak is most likely trying to get a little attention.

Steve Wozniak has always lived in the shadow of Steve Jobs. Today, he tried to grab some of that sweet spotlight for himself.

Wozniak tweeted that he and his wife may have been patient zero for the U.S. coronavirus outbreak.

Steve Wozniak claims he and his wife, Janet, were patient zero for U.S. coronavirus outbreak. | Source: Twitter

Wozniak believes they contracted the virus on a trip to China in early January. On January 9th, he tweeted that he was recovering from a “serious illness.”

Steve Wozniak mentions a severe illness he caught on a cruise. | Source: Twitter

Steve Wozniak Is Not Very Smart For a Genius

It wasn’t the military. It wasn’t Diamond Princess cruise-ship passengers. The co-founder of Apple was apparently the first person to bring the coronavirus to the U.S. That’s right, one of the smartest, most influential men in America is just now realizing he and his wife have had the coronavirus for almost two months.

Considering the coronavirus has held our global attention span captive since early January, it seems odd that Steve Wozniak is just now coming to this realization. Let’s assume, for a second, that he’s right.

Wozniak and his wife have just been galavanting across the country, infecting whole communities at a time. On March 1st, he tweeted, via Swarm app, that he just returned from a concert in Solano Beach, CA. According to USA Today, the first unknown origin case of coronavirus in the U.S. involved a patient from Solana County, CA.

Hey Steve, maybe stay home next time you think you have coronavirus. | Source: Twitter

In the time of their theoretical infections, Wozniak travelled to an NHL hockey game, a Joshua Radin concert, and several movie theaters, according to his Twitter account. If Wozniak does indeed have the virus, he couldn’t have done a much better job spreading it if he tried.

Janet Wozniak Sets the Record Straight, but Steve Get’s What He Wanted

Wozniak’s wife, Janet, told USA Today she’s suffering from a mere sinus infection. Apparently, neither is patient zero. But it raises the question: why would Steve Wozniak ever tweet such a thing?

It seems like he just wanted to steal some headlines amidst the coronavirus hysteria. Wozniak, after all, has never been as famous as his Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. According to Hack, Wozniak felt like he deserved more credit:

It was really me a lot of the times.

He wasn’t even the first tech superstar to grab coronavirus headlines.

Bill Gates launched through the news cycle last week when he said the coronavirus was the “once-in-a-century pathogen we’ve been worried about.” Some people even think Gates predicted this outbreak last year.

What has Wozniak done recently? Segway polo?

In all seriousness, let’s rejoice that the Wozniaks appear to be safe. Maybe we can use Steve as an example of how not to act in a panic situation.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of

This article was edited by Josiah Wilmoth.


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