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Sony’s Ambitious Marvel-Esque PlayStation Plan is Glorious for Gaming

  • PlayStation Productions is Sony’s film arm geared around adapting PlayStation IPs.
  • The new studio is apparently working on several high-profile adaptations in a deal with HBO, according to a leaker.
  • This new deal could really kick-start the new age of video game adaptations.

Sony is really pushing their IPs as much as they can. We already know that an Uncharted movie is coming out in 2021. But, now PlayStation Productions is apparently gearing up for even more releases.

After the formation of the new production arm of Sony last year, we heard very little about what sort of productions it could be working on.

Now thanks to the game developer Rythian on Twitter, we’ve just learned about everything from a Horizon Zero Dawn movie, to a Sly Cooper TV Series.

The source of the initial leaks was a game developer going by the name Rythian. | Source: Twitter

PlayStation Productions Are Getting the Lead Out

In the original tweet, Rythian outlined a whole bunch of productions. 3 TV Series’ based on PlayStation properties are supposedly coming to HBO Max in 2021.

Firstly, this seems to indicate that Sony and HBO have made some sort of deal. Literally everything that was revealed is coming to either HBO itself, or HBO Max the upcoming online streaming service.

Secondly, the list of IPs that PlayStation Production is adapting is astounding. Sly Cooper, Twisted Metal, and PaRappa the Rapper in 2021 alone. That’s quite a hit list for a company that hasn’t really released anything yet.

It’s Looking Like the Age of Video Game Adaptation Is Well on Its Way

Sonic the Hedgehog broke open the floodgates. It is one of the first commercially successful video game movie adaptations. Now, companies like PlayStation Productions are going to really drive it home.

The comic book movie craze is certainly on its way out. Video games can probably become the next driving force behind the popular cinema. Whether to not that interests you is probably dependant on how much you enjoyed the last cultural touchstone of cinema.

Of course, all of this hinges on PlayStation Productions actually making good adaptations. Since they’re so close to the original brands they probably have the best chance. Personally, I won’t be holding my breath until we know more.

This article was edited by Samburaj Das.
