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Someone Teach Chrissy Teigen Not To Share Her Personal Information

  • Chrissy Teigen is in the hospital for heavy bleeding during her latest pregnancy.
  • She accidentally shared her hospital room phone number then had to change rooms after fans started calling it.
  • This isn’t the first time she has “accidentally” shared her personal information. Is it attention-seeking?

Chrissy Teigen shares too much.

She’s in the hospital right now for heavy bleeding during her pregnancy, and she “accidentally” shared the phone number of her hospital room. After fans started calling, she had to change rooms.

Teigen has shared other personal information with her avid fans on social media before. When will she learn not to do this anymore? Or is she doing it for attention?

Chrissy Teigen Is Her Own Worst Enemy

Teigen was admitted to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center after experiencing heavy bleeding during her third pregnancy. As usual, she’s sharing every little detail about her condition in a series of updates on her Instagram. But she needs to be careful about what she posts.

She’s apparently been bleeding for a little less than a month and has been on bed rest. On her Instagram story, she explained that she doesn’t share her updates so people could worry or check-in. “It’s just because I share everything,” Teigen said.

During her lengthy update, she asked the doctors and other fans who follow her not to try to “Twitter diagnose her.”

Chrissy Teigen wants people to stop “Twitter diagnosing” her because it stresses her out. | Source: Twitter

Sharing all of it gets her comments she doesn’t like, so why share it? Then she complained when no one was reaching out to her anymore. Maybe that’s why she “accidentally” shared her hospital room’s phone number. She clearly wanted more attention.

Chrissy Teigen tweet 2.
Did Teigen do it for attention? | Source: Twitter

Once again, she shared information that bit her in the backside. Apparently, she’s working on oversharing.

On her Instagram story, Teigen said she doesn’t even realize she does things until she plays them back.

I am an adult and this needs to stop and I’m going to work really really hard.

This Isn’t the First Time

Teigen has overshared before. Last year, she also “accidentally” shared her email address to her millions of followers. She took a picture of her computer screen, which contained the address. She deleted the tweet and wrote, “F**k I posted my email address lmao.”

Chrissy Teigen tweet 3.
Fans are not impressed with her. | Source: Twitter

She also gave out her phone number in her book.

Chrissy Teigen tweet 4.
Teigen doesn’t know what she’s doing. | Source: Twitter

Is this all just carelessness, or is there some ulterior motive behind the “accidental” sharing? Chrissy Teigen is known to be attention-seeking, so we wouldn’t put it past her to post these things. Either way, it’s time for her to try a new bit, or get the help she needs.

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