- Meghan Markle and Prince Harry made the headlines when they invited A-list guests like the Clooneys to their wedding.
- It would appear that their friendship with the Hollywood A-listers, like much of their existence of late, is curated, fake nonsense.
- The lengths this couple will go to in order to boost their brand, and their image is ridiculous.
Cast your mind back, dear reader, to May 2018. A time when Corona was just a brand of beer, and when people believed that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were close friends with George and Amal Clooney.
It was a simpler time. But, as we career headlong into the final stages of 2020, the beer brand has seen its name take on a whole new meaning, and we’ve also seen Britain’s celebrity royals take a similar nosedive in branding and reputation.
That’s right. It would appear that the Hollywood couple pictured smiling awkwardly at the Sussexes wedding, appearing for all the world like two people who had shown up at the wrong event actually had good reason to be giving off those types of vibes.
Prince Harry & Meghan Markle are tight with the Clooneys – or so the media believed
Ordinarily, I don’t have much time for the mainstream media when it comes to their over the top, gushing coverage of both Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
Much of it reeks of a “please, don’t sue us! We won’t say anything nasty about you, we promise!” type of approach.
But in this instance, I have to throw them a pass.
How could the media have known that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would actually go as far as inviting two relative strangers to not just their wedding, but to the “inner circle only” Frogmore House after-party?
Honestly. Can you blame the media for refusing to believe that Prince Harry, in particular, would allow someone such as Thomas Inskip, the Prince’s best friend of many years dating back to their formative teenage years, to be dropped from the “inner circle” event in the evening in favor of two people he doesn’t even know?
That’s crazy talk right there! Come on! Prince Harry? The affable, loyal Prince we all know and love?
No chance. If long-time best friend Skippy isn’t making the cut, it’s for a good reason, surely?

As it turns out, the Clooneys didn’t know the Sussexes all that well
Princess Diana’s former flatmate and friend Carolyn Bartholomew attended the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. She found herself making small-talk with Hollywood icon George and his wife, Amal.
According to what Rachel Johnson tells the Daily Mail, a somewhat surreal conversation takes place:
There’s a story doing the rounds that while Carolyn Bartholomew, Diana’s former flatmate, was waiting for the wedding service to start, she turned to the couple alongside her and asked how they knew Harry or Meghan. ‘We don’t,’ the Clooneys answered brightly.
Now, I could understand if this revelation maybe surprises you. It doesn’t surprise me at all. As someone who covers Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, I’ve seen what they’re capable of, especially since they ditched their royal responsibilities.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are all about the brand and image, so this revelation doesn’t surprise me
Okay, we all know that Finding Freedom, the Meghan-centric PR publication, claims that the Duchess of Difficult is tight with the Clooneys.
Unconfirmed reports suggest that both couples spent time together at the lake by the Clooneys British home in Oxfordshire, walking the dogs. There are also tales of visits to the Clooneys at Lake Como, where Meghan and Amal chilled by the pool and George and Harry did “guy stuff,” like checking out George’s motorbike collection.
Of course, we all know that Amal Clooney hired a private jet to take her dear, close friend Meghan Markle home from her baby shower in New York.
It all sounds so idyllic. The words “authentic self” and “best life” no doubt belong in there somewhere, right?
Unfortunately, to someone who’s watched the Sussex roadshow over the years, it also sounds incredibly curated and, to be frank, fake.
Do I believe that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry would remove actual long-time friends from their wedding events to strategically give the impression that they’re a couple of real-deal celebrities by inviting people they don’t even know so that they would be linked with them in the media?
Absolutely. It’s ridiculous behavior, but this is a ridiculous couple, and nothing they do surprises me anymore.