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Home > Exchanges > Hilary Duff Is Being Accused Of Child Molestation – Enough Is Enough

Hilary Duff Is Being Accused Of Child Molestation – Enough Is Enough

  • Hilary Duff has been accused of the most despicable of crimes.
  • The rumors started thanks to the gossip site, Lipstick Alley, and QAnon conspiracy theorists on Twitter.
  • Both have gone too far. Enough is enough.

Thanks to a gutter gossip site and conspiracy theorists on Twitter, former child star Hilary Duff is being accused child sex trafficking.

In a now-deleted Twitter thread, a member of the QAnon conspiracy theory group claimed that the former star of “Lizzie McGuire” posted a naked photo of her son, Luca, with “child sex trafficking logos” on it.

The thread took their information from the popular gossip site, Lipstick Alley.

And it’s finally time to say: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Hilary Duff Responds

Though she shouldn’t have to defend herself, Hilary Duff responded to the horrible accusations on her Twitter page.

“This is actually disgusting,” she wrote. “Maybe get a damn hobby.”

You can see her full reply below.

The accusations against Hilary Duff are disturbing and disgusting. | Source: Twitter

Naturally, there was no shortage of fans who leaped to Duff’s defense when she made the statement.

Certainly, there’s a valid argument to be made about “better safe than sorry,” especially when it comes to a child’s safety. But at what point does gossip cross the line?

Gossip vs. Libel

Celebrity gossip has been around since Hollywood has provided entertainment to the masses. In this regard, Hilary Duff is not unique or special.

What she said. | Source: Twitter

And, in the interest of full disclosure, this writer has also been gossiped about on Lipstick Alley. I’ve been accused of sleeping with a popular rapper and am currently being accused of being “obsessed” with a “Property Brothers” host by one of said Property Brother’s delusional fans. And though I shouldn’t have to say this, neither one is true or ever will be true.

But if you’re in the entertainment industry, in any capacity, you’re going to be gossiped about. That’s just a reality.

However, it’s one thing to be accused of being a rapper’s bedroom buddy, and another thing to be accused of trafficking one’s child in an underground sex ring.

The sad thing is, false accusations like the ones levied against Hilary Duff take the focus off the real predators in the entertainment industry. Harvey Weinstein is the most egregious example of predatory Hollywood behavior, but there’s no shortage of people who would prey upon the most innocent for their own sick, twisted desires.

The more QAnon, and gutter gossip sites, twist the truth into something not even remotely based in reality, the less likely we are to believe real victims or to take action against the true predators. And the more people legitimize said outlandish claims by entertaining them, the more obsessive fans will become weaponized.

I, for one, don’t want to see Hilary Duff — or any other innocent party — become target practice for psychotic stans who will never achieve anything remarkable in life.

And I certainly don’t want to see an innocent child taken away from his or her mother because a bunch of weirdos on Twitter have nothing better to do.

Enough is enough.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of

This article was edited by Aaron Weaver.
