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Half Way Towards Mass Adoption, New Ripple Flywheel Report Says

The Ripple blockchain report for 2019 has officially released with reams of positive data and customer feedback regarding XRP and RippleNet.

The biggest takeaway for us was an infographic showing Ripple is at the halfway point between where they were at the beginning and full global mass adoption.

Digital banks and the next wave of blockchain adopters are relatively less concerned compared to traditional providers and late adoptersNot surprisingly, the next wave of adopters (those nearing implementation) are less concerned about regulation than the late adopters (those in conversation). Similarly, digital banks that have already transformed the bank model are less concerned than traditional retail banks.

EVENT HORIZON IMMINENT – Ripples latest blockchain report describes its mission as being halfway towards global mass adoption

The report also touches on changing public and institutional sentiment surrounding digital assets like XRP and the digital revolution they are about to usher in.

The world of finance revolves around trust and security for good reason, xCurrent was a test platform for that very reason, many are now switching to ODL.

According to Ripples Sagar Sahgai, Barclays, BMO, CIBC, Nat. Australia Bank, Royal Bank of Canada, Santander, all trialled XRP and said it ‘works beautifully’.

Changing public sentiment by fintechs, banks and regulators regarding digital assets signals an increasingly vibrant market for this technology. A few global banks are exploring the potential of stablecoins and digital currencies, and some central banks are evaluating the potential of central bank
digital currencies. For all of these examples, the primary use cases center around cross-border payments and trade settlement, in particular bond and commodity trades.

The report alludes that most banks around the world are still addicted to pre-funded accounts with bigger banks more receptive to this coming change.

The barriers are slowly coming down, ODL/XRP mass adoption now looks and feels not only possible but extremely probable in the coming years. 

Many institutional investors await clarity in the U.S. regarding XRP’s security staus and coming lawsuit in Q1 2020, once these are settled XRP will explode.

Pre-funding is still largely considered a necessary evil to expediting funds transfer. Nearly all respondents use pre-funding, citing speed-related benefits as the top two reasons. Despite this, the vast majority of respondents recognize the advantage that real-time settlement offers as an alternative to pre-funding. 89% of total respondents and 95% of early adopters are very to extremely interested in real-time settlement

Check out the full report for yourself HERE.


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