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Bitcoin futures trading vs Spot trading

Trading is not a new feature in the present digital world. Crypto trading is becoming more prevalent and it is no doubt that many of the population are starting their bitcoin trading every now and then. Cryptocurrency exchanges are crowding with more users every day as people are interested to trade or hold cryptocurrencies for wealth creation. In that aspect, it is very important to know about how to trade and about all the ins and outs of crypto trading to succeed in the trading arena.

In that aspect, if you are interested to start your crypto exchange as an entrepreneur, it is significant that you too should know about the types of trading options in your exchange that will eventually help you to run your crypto exchange more effectively and efficiently.

This blog is focused to bring a streak of knowledge about bitcoin futures trading vs spot trading and the significance of crypto trading.

What is crypto spot trading?

Cryptocurrency spot trading or exchanging is the way toward purchasing and selling digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum for sure-fire conveyance. All in all, digital forms of money are straightforwardly moved between market members (purchasers and dealers). In a spot market, you have direct responsibility for and are qualified for legitimate market rights like deciding in favor of a significant rise in the trading or marking interest.

Trading, for example, Binance works with spot trading exercises, empowering clients to direct fiat-to-crypto and crypto-to-crypto exchange. Spot trades go about as immediate trades for purchasers and merchants to offer and request a crypto resource. At the point when a bid or offer is coordinated, the trade will work with the exchange. Spot trades work 24 hours per day/7 days every week, which implies you can purchase and sell crypto any time and quickly.

Suppose you are in need of buying Bitcoin with fiat (USD) in the spot market. In this present trading scenario, you could reach a crypto exchange spot marketing option to get the BTC/USD trading pair and place a buy order at your desired price and quantity for the execution. After successfully completing your transaction, the bought Bitcoins will be stored and managed in a spot wallet where you might hold them until their value increases. Alternatively, you could convert it to buy other altcoins that you believe may rise in value.

When holding cryptocurrencies in the spot market, you could effectively get benefited during the time as you could get more profits in the future in a course of time.

What do you mean by crypto futures trading?

In the futures market, the trading process is different. Here, you will be trading on the contract values and not the coins that represent the value of a specific bitcoin or altcoins. When you are buying a futures contract, that does not mean that you own the underlying cryptocurrency. Rather, you own a digital smart contract in a form of an agreement to either buy or sell a specific cryptocurrency at a future date. In such a way, ownership of the futures contract never offers you any sort of economic effectives such as voting and staking.

Crypto futures contracts offer protection against volatility and adverse price movements on their underlying asset. Also, it is a proxy tool for traders to speculate on the future prices of a specific cryptocurrency.

With futures contracts, you can take really a direct advantage of price volatility. That means, you can escape the loss of reaching the lost, as you can prevent by predicting the effective future value. Regardless of whether prices go up or down, the futures contracts help you to take part in a cryptocurrency’s movements with much comfort. In other words, you can get a viewpoint on any cryptocurrency’s price instead of purchasing the occurring asset itself.

If you expect the value of an asset to go up, you could purchase the futures contract to go high enough, and then sell, and if you expect it to go down, you will sell them at the highest price possible and aspire to go short. Your profit or loss will depend on the outcome of your prediction.

Derivatives exchanges such as Binance Futures or any other popular crypto exchanges facilitate the trading of derivative products such as crypto futures. Similar to the spot trading features in the crypto exchanges, the derivative trading feature operates 24/7. The main difference between spot and derivative exchanges is that derivative exchanges have safeguards and risk management mechanisms such as insurance funds due to the complexity of their products.

Difference between the crypto spot trading and the derivatives trading


  1. Leverage – Leverage helps the traders to move towards future contracts because of the investment. They are highly capital efficient and without leverage, it is not possible for the trader to invest. For example, to buy 1 Bitcoin in the spot trading market, you would need some considerable amount of dollars, say, $50,000 based on the existing market rate. But see, with a futures contract, you can open a bitcoin futures position at a fraction of the cost. This can be possible only if you have leverage. The higher the amount of leverage, the lesser you will have to spend on that particular trading position.
  2. Flexibility to Long or Short – When you are buying Bitcoins in the spot trading markets, you can definitely make a huge profit if the prices surges. However, if the crypto market is slow or bearish, it is difficult to make a considerable amount of profit out of it. Futures trading contracts help you to get profit from short-term price movements irrespective of direction. Despite the price of the bitcoin fell down, you can actively participate in the downward move and catch up with the momentum and trade along with it. With the presence of futures contracts, traders and investors can really develop sophisticated trading analyses such as short-selling, arbitrage, pairs trading, etc. In addition, futures trading contracts help the traders and investors to hedge against risk on the downward side and protect your trade portfolio from extreme price volatility. Miners and long-term holders often use futures contracts to protect their portfolios from unexpected risks.
  3. Liquidity – The future markets offer profound liquidity with trillions in month-to-month volume. For instance, the Bitcoin futures market sees a normal month-to-month turnover of $2 trillion, far more prominent than the Bitcoin detect markets’ exchanging volumes. Its hearty liquidity upholds the interaction of value disclosure and permits brokers to execute in the market quickly and effectively. A fluid market is for the most part connected with less danger in light of the fact that there is consistently somebody able to take the opposite side of a given position, and dealers will cause less slippage.
  4. Futures vs. Spot prices – The cost of cryptocurrency on the spot market is the decision cost for all spot exchanges, and this is known as the spot cost. Purchasers and dealers decide crypto spot costs through a financial cycle of market interest. Interestingly, the futures cost depends on its predominant spot cost in addition to the expense of conveying during the interval before conveyance. The premise addresses the expense of conveying a futures contract. The premise can be a positive or negative number. A positive premise relationship implies that the futures value exchanges higher than its spot value; the other way around. The premise may vacillate because of changes in the organic market, however, because of the powers of exchange, it will in the end go to zero on the end of the trading.


Where to get the best trading feature services for my cryptocurrency exchange platform?

You need to reach the best and experienced white label cryptocurrency exchange software provider to offer qualitative trading options for your business. With spot and derivatives trading are the most significant trading options, Coinsclone knows the effectiveness and provides integrated trading option features along with the cryptocurrency exchange clone scripts and white label crypto exchange software.
