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A Hollywood Insider Finally Found the Perfect Gig for Meghan Markle

  • I know that Meghan Markle’s fanbase had high hopes for her once she broke free of the evil royal family.
  • It hasn’t quite worked out for poor Malibu Meg. Angelina Jolie hasn’t come knocking yet.
  • She’s been offered a spot on Dancing With the Stars, though! That’s something, right?

When Meghan Markle finally hit the jackpot and married her Prince Charming, I imagine she had some pretty lofty ambitions.

Can you really blame her? Since the royal step-down was announced, we’ve seen Meghan touted as an A-lister in Hollywood, a philanthropic trend-setter, and someone who – now that she had her prince and his royal clout – was going places.

It hasn’t quite turned out that way.

From A-list to D-list (D for dancing, that is!)

Since breaking free from the “evil” royal family, Meghan Markle has done one voice-over gig for Disney. That’s it.

OK, I know we’ve been suffering from a pandemic, but it’s clear Hollywood producers aren’t tripping over one another to ink a deal with the Duchess of Malibu. The A-lister offers that we’ve heard the Sussex Squad ramble on about simply haven’t materialized.

Oh, but wait! An opportunity has finally presented itself, and it’s perfect for Meghan.

Bruno Tonioli is a judge on Dancing With the Stars. And he wants Meghan Markle to don her gladrags and hit the dance floor!

Meghan may have found her level (finally). | Source: Twitter

Speaking to Extra’s Terri Seymour, Tonioli commented:

She’d be great! It’d make her look accessible and funny. It’d be brilliant. Meghan, if you’re watching this, please, we’d love you to do it!

Meghan Markle is perfect for Dancing with the Stars

Now, before you roll your eyes and hit me up on Twitter to tell me that Meghan Markle is just waiting on that role in the new Marvel movie, or a prominent part in the next Star Wars, hear me out.

Dancing With the Stars would be perfect for Malibu Meg. Just look at the “celebrities” who’ve graced that dance floor before her!


The likes of Kelly Monaco, Tucker Carlson, and Steve-O! She’d be in great company. Sure, Steve-O rose to prominence for stapling his private parts to his thigh, but still!

And don’t forget that Billy Ray Cyrus was a contestant too. What does he have in common with Meghan Markle? Well, both of them are living off the fame and name value of a family member!

As much as Meghan’s fans won’t like it, this is her level

What odds I would get on Meghan Markle signing up to sell Cameo shout-outs for $50 a pop? | Source: Evan Agostini/Invision/AP

I know many Meghan Markle acolytes had it in their heads that she was going to do big things in Hollywood.

Reality check time: She isn’t.

Competing on Dancing With the Stars – and the “celebrities” it attracts – is the level Meghan Markle is operating at.

The odd voice-over gig, a bit-part in a television show, maybe even a chance to dance on television with someone like Jerry Springer or Joey from New Kids on the Block!

I would have given anything to dance with Joey from NKOTB back in the day. If that ever happened, the Sussex Squad would be right for a change! I would be jealous of Meghan Markle! | Source: Debby Wong/

Meghan Markle could live every grown-up woman’s dream by dancing with a washed-up former 90s pop star.

I’m not a betting person, but I wonder what odds I would get on Meghan Markle signing up to sell Cameo shout-outs for $50 a pop.

Because sooner or later, that’s where she’s headed – along with the rest of the Z-list crew who refuse to accept that they’re no longer relevant.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of

This article was edited by Josiah Wilmoth.
